The Little Things Community Pantry

Throughout the year, The Little Things Community Pantry aims to support the community through regular supply drives, as well as with special collaborative partnership projects. 

We organize supply drives for various necessities based on expressed community needs such as, hygiene products. The supply drives correspond with the leading up to (and during) the season of the year. For example, the School Supplies Drive takes place in late summer of the year in preparation for the approaching fall for the school year.

Addtionally, in response to common goals and persons served, we partner with other community organizations and local businesses to support special projects.

Recurring Supply

In direct response to expressed needs, we organize and coordinate collective efforts to bring needed supplies to the community.


Special Collaborative
Partnership Projects

We partner with various nonprofit organizations, businesses, and other entities to support the larger community.


Please see below for more information on the recurring the various drives, their typical occurrence, and how you can support the drives.

Recurring Community Supply Drives 

Goods Drive

Typically collecting in early Fall season, depending on need and partners scheduling.

Holiday Season
Toy Drive

This drive is finished for 2023. We typically collect items from
November through December each year.

Winter Clothes & Hygiene Supplies Drive

This drive is finished. We typically collect items from Sept through November.

Please visit the "Our Impact" page to see how our drives have gone

Special Collaborative Partnership Projects

Fly Guys: Back-to-School Supplies Drive

(Donations collected from July through Sept.)

In direct partnership with Fly Guys Barber Shop, we provided organized a school supplies drive. 

Read Story Here: 

Spring Buckets of Joy

(Donations typically collected from Feb. through March)

In partnership with Community Affairs Resource Center (CARC), we are providing support to provide a loving Easter season to the families the CARC supports.

Pajamas from Mamas

(Donations collected all year)

In support of the local hospitals, we have launched an initiative to supply children receiving long-term care with fun pajamas to try to make their hospital stay special in a positive way.

Are you a community-based organization (or company) looking to support or donate to The Little Things Community Pantry?

For questions, requests, or potential partnership, please contact us: 

                      Phone: 732-639-1129 | Email:

NOTE: Anyone experiencing an emergency (e.g., health, housing, etc.) should contact their local government agencies for immediate support and resources.